The best is check and balance


送交者: 吴礼 于 2006-4-23, 13:13:44:

回答: The Democratic or the Republican Party? 由 ylight 于 2006-4-23, 10:07:53:

I would like to remain independent, unless someday I want to run for some election and need the resource of one party. :)

I think both parties have many descent politicians, and the extremists in both parties are equally dangerous. However, in recent years I haven’t seen anyone from the Democratic Party who has good ideas and integrity. So last election I voted for the 3rd party.

Some says the GOP is for the rich, and the demos are for the poor. I don’t think so. If you compare donations or the net-worth of the politicians, I don’t think there is a big difference between the two parties. The inequality in America has increased in the recent decades, during the Clinton years as well as the Bush years. Many rich states (the ones in the coasts) are democrat states.

I think the best thing is that one party has the White House while the other has the Congress. This would leverage the moderate forces within both parties. Bush did a lot of crazy things and nobody was able to stop him. That is not good.



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