To Prof. 司履生


送交者: zhuchebiming 于 2006-4-12, 10:38:19:

After re-read your "就魏于全院士发表假论文问题致中国科学院的公开信", I have to say you are as great as Yuebuqun.


You were used to dividing one full story into two or more trash papers, I can't say anything; but you should know this: submitting one paper to two or more journals belongs to what you called "学术腐败". In addition, over-shortening the technical details in Materials and Methods of your papers is not correct either,because other researchers need to repeat your work. Even so, I still found some problems existing in (at least) one of your papers (I failed to get your other trash papers). As one Professor Expert in immunlogy, you should know the effects of endotoxin. One small technical detail is enough to overturn the paper, oops, two papers you published.

And you are not "迂腐", you are very smart and "很入流".


Your vaccine showed strong immunogenecity, several guys at here classified others against you into "Wei's Cohorts", although I never heard of Prof. Wei several weeks ago. Does this belong to "cross-reaction"? That's the theory base of Wei's papers, it's weird, huh?

Alhtough several guys have pointed out some of your mistakes, but I still want to repeat it: your acadmic credit is very low. For example: "试问在几千种蛋白被注射入小鼠体内以后,何以小鼠的免疫系统只对如此微量的一种或几种抗原选择性的发生如此强大的反应。". As a Professor teaching immunology, where did you get such knowledge? Which factors affect one protein's immunogenecity? It's unbelievable you stressed this several times, although your tone changed a little bit after some guys pointed it out. Furthermore, I don't know why you were so emotional when you mentioned Prof. Wei's work.


I've given up immunology research for 20 years, but after surfed in Pubmed, I knew it was not "伪科学". Except Prof. Wei, there are numerous researchers working on it, some of them have even started phase II clinical trials with similar strategies. Honestly, these are the two main reasons that I don't like you: first, you misunderstood the "basic rules" of immunology; second, compared with other displines of science, immunology is very young, it's still in developing, from imperfect to perfect. What you can't understand should not be classified into"伪科学".

Someone clarified that you didn't record the phone calls as "evidence" against Prof. Wei, you are probably not so mean as I imagined. But I still got such conclusion: compared with Wei, you are much worse, wish you would not be the worst.



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