AFter I have taken a number of observation on discussion


送交者: skipper3 于 2006-3-31, 14:25:36:

of advanced medicine on XYS, I feel advanced medicine is becoming more like a WenKe subject. If my feeling is indeed correct, you LiKe people better adopt a new way of thinking and appreciate the work from people like professor Xiao.

The problem I can see is that LiKe people are all universalists. Without a well proven theory you guys can't work any more because you wouldn't be able to make any practical decision. But in WenKe people don't rely on theory becasue there is none. In fact in these areas no matter how good a theorem people claim to be, you can always easily find exception. So what we do is making decision on case by case basis instead of seeking a universal solution. WenKe people doing research is not to develop theory but to collect information. And we use different kind of methodology such as case study, statistical inference, benchmarking, best practice etc etc. The negative side of this approach is that the risk is always tehre. The result is never guaranteed(and here people need to use SuanZhang to deal with it). But again, in advanced medicine who can say a new drug or surgical procedure can guarantee to cure cancer?



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