

送交者: 无语 于 2006-1-25, 11:31:07:

回答: 如果丘说他的实验结果为a,川抗所报告为b,论文为f,由a->f和b没关系呢? 由 阳明 于 2006-1-25, 10:54:03:

I don’t think so. In China it is quite common to pay money for a test report from a qualified institute. Usually people who did the test would not appear as co-authors: it’s just a trade. But obviously Qiu is good at social activity, not as what claimed by newspaper. However, his activity produced one of the most funny retreat letters to nature’s editor: co-authors didn’t know the content of this paper. I guess it also solved one question perplexed editors for long time: why papers from this mysterious country always have so many co-authors and make it difficult to arrange?

One question: I am not quite familiar with Qiu’s field. In cell biology, it is routine practice to demonstrate in vitro assay if you speculate a protein can function as you expect in vivo, otherwise it will be hard to get published at top journal. Regarding to qiu’s paper, is there any way to do an in vitro assay to show that his fusion protein can still associate with membrane?

And thanks for 常相辉, who let us know qiu’s inventions:

1 CN01128836.1 人工组合的抗菌工程多肽及其制备方法
2 CN02113897.4 抗乙肝病毒等包膜病毒感染的工程多肽及其制备方法
3 CN03149214.2 一种重组抗包膜病毒多肽及其制备方法
4 CN02134042.0 人工组合的抗葡萄球菌工程多肽及其制备方法
5 CN03117491.4 一种新型抗肠球菌多肽及其制备方法
6 CN03117492.2 一种新型抗肺炎链球菌多肽及其制备方法
7 CN03120400.7 一种新型抗菌多肽及其制备方法
8 CN200410081446.8 抗EB病毒所致肿瘤多肽及其应用与制备方法
9 CN200510020219.9 抗真菌多肽及其制备方法
10 CN200510020168.X 小型化抗EB病毒肿瘤多肽及其应用与制备方

What did he do? Try to mark all missiles while knowing they are faked? Beyond my imagination.



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