the common misconception between beer and heavy stomach


送交者: xj 于 2006-3-20, 12:21:40:

回答: I believe the correlation between alcohol intake and body weight is a myth 由 xj 于 2006-3-20, 12:05:03:

may arise from the overintake of foods, especially in China.

This again illustrates the culture difference between Chinese society and American society. In China, people drinking beer during a gathering accompanied by copious foods. Even when drinking alone, people tend to have something to go with the beer. There is even a name for it "appetite pouching drinking".

On the otherhand, western people tend to drink alcohol without any foods (but during the fest, people eat a lot of hotdogs and pizza). Thus overal food intake may be less than usual if drinking before eating.

The bulging tummy most men experience is mostly because of excess energy intake from foods. Asian men tend to deposit extra fat around their waist, and it causes more harm than caucasians given the same waist.

Maybe Chinese people have subject more evolution stress during past tens of thousands of years?



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