wen, you once claimed you are practicing in the US,


送交者: xj 于 2006-3-18, 17:50:51:

回答: (ZT)中国大陆医疗体制的过去、现在及将来(1) 欢迎拍砖 由 wenxiagong 于 2006-3-18, 16:18:01:

I also know that Lidao is practicing in the US too, so I am sure you all know the US medical system.

However, this article is totally bullshit. After reading a few paragraphs, I find that the author lacks thorough knowledge of Chinese health system and know very little about American health sytem too. I can't finish reading it.

一.中国的医疗体系50 多年来维持著一种递减型的畸形
递减型医疗体系 是指医生水平和医疗资源从大城市向农村递减,从重点大医院向偏远小卫生所递减。今天中国医疗资源城乡分配8比2的比例和人口3比7的比例,以及最近的国际调查发现,154个国家医疗资源不均衡的排名,中国为倒数第4。这是西方工业国家所没有的社会现象。

This is not true. Even in the US, there are fewer Doctors in rural areas or poor places. There is incentive for people working in the rural areas.

The author didn't mention the cooperative health system in rural areas during the Mao time. He ignored the fact that during the Mao era, the infant mortality decreased significantly (reached to the developed country level), and the expected life ranked among longest in the world.

His examples about Mao are typical MinYun argument-- arguing with personal attacking.

In fact, the referal system in China is one of the best systems in the world, given the mass population in the rural areas and such a low economic development at that time. The relatively mandantory three-level referal system had provided the most efficient care for the poor mass, while in some way allow people to seek high level care. Many years ago WHO even recommended CHinese system as a model for other developing countries.

Unfortunately, China destroyed the whole system without creating a better system. It is till now that China started again some limited national health system for the poor.

On the other hand, the US health system is resource consuming and inappropriate for CHina. Per capita health cost is four times higher than Canadian, England etc.

我一直十分不解,为什么没有人出来制止。作为一个有良知的人,怎么能够想象在中国当群众有病全家心急如焚去求医,医生趁人之危,在给病人治疗的同时,多开药开贵药多做检查以期从中自己拿到好处(回扣). 因为多开药和多做检查是必要的治疗以外的不需要的东西,就会给病人带来伤害和/或额外负担。只要吃回扣的风气一天不杜绝,中国医生到底是九分治病一份害人还是七分治病三分害人,真的说不清。

The above paragraph (and stories before this) is also nonsense. It sounds like a gossip rather than a scientific argument.

In China, physicians seeking rebate from drug companies is caused not by physicians themselves, but by the system. I believe Chinese physicians have the same morality as American peers do. It is because of the different social environment that make Chinese physicians become greedy.

The only solution is to tighten the regulation just like the US do.


Not all doctors can comment on health system.



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