What's the odd?


送交者: mangolasi 于 2006-1-24, 15:52:41:

回答: you can be sure a janiter who died in 9-11 won't win 由 steven 于 2006-1-24, 15:33:30:

But the future a kid or an adolescent who did not finish his/her education (especially a kid, who don't have chance to prove his/her intelligence yet) is far more uncertain, and we have good reason to believe it (espeically if this is not a caste system).

Denying this has some implication: it implicitly concedes that the society is not that upwardly mobile. This might be true, but unfortunately few government is willing to accept this frankly.

I am not saying compensation to a kid should be the same. But if there is reason not to be the same, the argument doesn't lie in here (see mirror's post on deliberated "accidents", which is a far stronger argument). I am just pointing out the logical inconsistency of both claims "this society is one with equal opportunity to everyone" and "deaths of kids from different area/social class/ethinics should get different compenstation".



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