

送交者: sssa 于 2006-3-15, 02:05:58:

把大好的春光放在GRE这种无聊的东西上, 大家分都高,有个求用,自相残杀。

sssa就是这种愚蠢的受害者,当年Q-A 1580,还觉得遗憾。
有一次碰到一个 Cornell学农的家伙,说他 GRE 1600, 让sssa好生仰慕。
结果呢? 他老人家是V-Q-A三科1600!

那象搞物理的, 当年一个个牛皮轰轰--卡死逼,到头来为了一Post-Doc出人命, 笑话啊!

========== 不同领域人士的IQ排行榜 ==========

from: http://www.huichen.org/motl/216

IQ in different fields

Steve Hsu has found a very interesting table with the average GRE scores
computed for various concentrations. He has also defined a linear map
translating the average V-Q-A scores into a more familiar IQ scale. This
convention looks natural to me and I will follow his scale although it is
not guaranteed that it is equally calibrated as other IQ measurements.

Disclaimer: these cold numbers must be interpreted very carefully. They
don't necessarily imply anything. The outcome depends on the character
of the question, discrimination, etc. Despite different numbers, all of
us are equal. Blah blah blah. And so on.

The results are:

130.0 Physics
129.0 Mathematics
128.5 Computer Science
128.0 Economics
127.5 Chemical engineering
127.0 Material science
126.0 Electrical engineering
125.5 Mechanical engineering
125.0 Philosophy
124.0 Chemistry
123.0 Earth sciences
122.0 Industrial engineering
122.0 Civil engineering
121.5 Biology
120.1 English/literature
120.0 Religion/theology
119.8 Political science
119.7 History
118.0 Art history
117.7 Anthropology/archeology
116.5 Architecture
116.0 Business
115.0 Sociology
114.0 Psychology
114.0 Medicine
112.0 Communication
109.0 Education
106.0 Public administration

If you trust these numbers, one of the conclusions is that the economists
are the brightest among the social scientists (rank 4) who are only followed
by philosophers (rank 9). The philosophers are still brighter than political
scientists (rank 17) who are smarter than the sociologists (rank 23). This
list may confirm virtually all of your preconceptions about all these fields,
at least it was my case. The only exception was medicine that I expected to
appear in the upper half.



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