I think by looking back at history, one can better understand


送交者: skipper3 于 2006-3-01, 13:59:17:

回答: 日本可是通过明治维新自觉实施西化的,不是被人逼的 由 4U4luC2 于 2006-3-01, 13:02:22:

what the real problem is and can start to appreciate the complexity of it. If Pearl River delta and ChangJiang delta were independent countries, they probably won't do much worse than JP. The population and geographic span are compatible to taht of JP. Similar to JP, these countries would have opened themselves to western cultures whole heartedly like what they are doing for a while, all the privatization and capitalism and importing cheap labor from outside etc. And nobody from outside the region would be in a position to complain how unacceptably high the housing price would have become, just like a china men is in no fucking position to complain how costly to live in Tokyo. But the reality is: everyone from poor regions were complaining the housing price in SH was going to far and SH people are getting rich too fast and if this continue they are going to revolt againt BJ government. The central government had no choice but to interfere. From mordern point of view these complainer are BOXERS of 21th century. LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF BOXER!



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