pH, receptors/cell signalling, bla bla


送交者: Wood 于 2007-03-15, 04:37:40:

回答: any one knows how/by what mechanism carotid body senses co2? 由 cornbug 于 2007-03-14, 20:40:52:

Is this part of your univity/Master/PhD/postdoc work? : )

Secretory responses of intact glomus cells in thin slices of rat carotid body to hypoxia and tetraethylammonium

an old paper: PNAS | February 29, 2000 | vol. 97 | no. 5 | 2361-2366

have been heavily cited

Google Scholar: sense "carbon dioxide" "Carotid body"
respiratory gases, hypoxia etc



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