about 盛会珍-干细胞研究-骗局


送交者: afa 于 2007-03-09, 11:38:24:

I read 英伦客's paper "回胡未明的《中国的干细胞研究骗局》", and felt sorry that "盛会珍目前可能又回到美
国去了". However, this has been expected, not because "中国在科研上急功近利", but because Dr. Sheng's own reason. One cannot expect that a guy who claimed to devote all his/her energy into research in China, but at the same time spent half a year in the States to keep the status of the green card. Basic experimental research is not like the work of computational biology, "remote control" definitely could not be rewarded. At this point, it might be a good news that Dr. Sheng would return or has returned to the States, at least someone in China may take her position and devote all his/her time to the stem cell research.  



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