

送交者: habpi 于 2007-02-28, 12:09:10:

Lawrence Lessig 的 “Free Culture” 是一本关于互联网开放内容的一部重要著作。作者如此解题:

Think about free markets, free trade, free enterprise, free society, and free speech, and you will then have the frame necessary to understand “free culture.” A free culture is not a culture in which there is no property — as a free market is not a market where there is no property, or as a society that protects the right of free speech doesn’t require that newspapers give anyone who wants access to their presses. A free culture instead is a culture that balances the important and essential incentives of copyright against the equally important and essential opportunity of society — to build upon, and transform, culture. And most relevantly to the current debate, free culture keeps that balance up to date, as technologies change and alter the balance that copyright strikes.

一批网络志愿者在 http://socialbrain.org/freeculture/ 为此书做了一份初步的中译稿。
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