According to the official statement, there were 2 million active


送交者: steven 于 2007-02-22, 00:22:56:

回答: 美国在韩战里伤亡数字有两种说法一种三万多一种五万多 由 HunHunSheng 于 2007-02-21, 19:49:34:

service men deployed all over the world during that time. They went through all kinds of training and participated in many different operations. Even though those were not combat missions, some of them were quite dangerous. Around 3000 over 2 million a year is very high in today's standard, but not unimaginable. Things have been improved a lot after posting and enforcing safty standards. Of course, HunHun shouldn't care any of this, to HunHun soldiers should be sent to their death anyone.



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