Here are the first 2 paragraphs.


送交者: fuzzify 于 2007-02-11, 22:16:45:

回答: <<海内外知识分子关于肖传国诉方舟子案的公开信>>英译v.01,请fuzzify老师审一下。 由 polik 于 2007-02-11, 02:05:39:

One comment to polik, a lot of your translation 是意译,直译更好一些,我觉得。

One question to Yush and others, did Fang publish his article after CAS published candidates' names or before?

Sorry I am really slow. I might post a little more after watching Desperate Housewives. :-)
An Open Letter Regarding the Xiao-Fang Lawsuit from Chinese Intellectuals All Over the World
[1 august 2006, with 543 signatures at the end of the letter.]


Recently the first trial judgment was made at the Jianghan District Court of Wuhan City in the defamation lawsuit of Xiao Chuan-Guo against Sohu Information Technology Inc., the University Press of Peking Union Medical College, and Fang Shimin. This judgment astonished us in that it was evidently partial to the plaintiff while neglecting truth. Many Chinese intellectuals all over the world have peen paying attention to this lawsuit in which the court intervened an action against academic misconducts. We would like to express our opinions to the public in this open letter and also to show our support to Dr. Fang Shimin (a.k.a., Fang Zhou-zi), a well-known whistleblower against academic misconducts in China, who is supposed to be protected by law.


The story of this lawsuit dates back to the time when Dr. Fang used his pen-name to publish an article titled “Academician Candidates Straddle Two Boats” after the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) just announced the Academician candidates’ names to the public. In the article Fang Zhou-zi questioned Xiao Chuan-Guo (one of the 2005 candidates) in multiple areas based on ample facts, and exposed a series of Xiao’s academic misconducts, including doing two full-time teaching jobs (one in China and the other in the US) at the same time, adding fraudulent claims in his resume, fabricating his job title in the US, exaggerating his publication records, awards as well as his research achievements, etc. Xiao Chuan-Guo later filed a lawsuit against the defendants, Dr. Fang and the media in which Fang’s article and interviews were published, accusing them of defaming Xiao. Fang lost the legal battle because at the first trial the court ordered Fang to make a public apology, and also to pay monetary compensation, to Xiao.



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