A Cell paper and its erratum


送交者: sd237 于 2007-02-11, 06:09:41:

A nuclear function of beta-arrestin1 in GPCR signaling: regulation of histone acetylation and gene transcription.


It has come to the attention of the corresponding author that confocal micrographs shown in the published Figure 1B and in Figure S1 of online supplemental data are composite images of cells repositioned from separate fields in an original photograph.
While this does not affect in any way the point made in these figures or any of the conclusions of the paper, we appreciate the necessity of presenting micrographs in their original form and that presenting composite images is not appropriate. We apologize that our oversight resulted in these images being mistakenly submitted for publication. The correct version of Figure 1B is shown below and the revised Figure S1 is shown in the updated version of supplemental data available at www.cell.com/cgi/content/
full/124/3/645/DC1/. We regret any inconvenience this error may have caused.



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