Suggestions for Par II translation.


送交者: fuzzify 于 2007-02-10, 23:42:14:

回答: 旗剑文章<<肖传国学术不端行为的主要表现>>之英译v.01,欢迎修正主义者 由 polik 于 2007-02-10, 06:33:32:


Xiao is the chief scientist in charge of the project “Repair of Neurological Injury and Restoration of Neurological Functions” in the field of Population and Health which is a part of the National 973 Program for Key Scientific Research and Development (the special grant for cutting-edge, large-scale fundamental research and development, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, i.e., MOST, with each award typically from 1 million USD to tens of million USD over a three-year period.) For assisting peer review, an applicant to any 973 project must fill out a form to describe his work experiences and major academic achievements. One of the MOST regulations specifies clearly that “those who provide false or exaggerated information when applying for a research grant are to be punished with severity upon exposure and confirmation.”

国家重点基础研究发展计划网站肖传国简介中称肖传国获得“美国泌尿学会杰出成就奖(2000)”,而事实是其从未获得美国泌尿学会颁发的成就奖(AUA Certificate of Achievement),在美国泌尿学会网站公布的各奖项获奖名单中

Xiao’s profile listed on the web page of the 973 Program ( claims that he won the prestigious Certificate of Achievement of the American Urology Association (AUA) in 2000. However, the fact is that he never won such an honor; his name cannot be found among the winners listed by the official AUA website. Furthermore, in his testifying in a Wuhan civil court, Xiao admitted that he never won an AUA Certificate of Achievement.


Considering that it is impossible for the homepage owner of the 973 Program, i.e., the Fundamental Research Division of the MOST, to fabricate such an academic honor for Xiao, it can be concluded that Xiao himself intentionaly provided the faudulent information in his application for the 973 project.

[a direct translation is better.]



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