你见过几多学术造假around you?Me? 4!


送交者: Hoffman 于 2007-01-22, 20:48:56:

The 1st one is by one of my former colleages (a lecturer). He copied a section of a book translated by a professor in USTC.

The 2nd one is by one of my alumni, who is now in a university in Zhejiang. He copied (translated) a major part of an article in PR A. He was already a full professor at that time.

The 3rd one is by a young faculty from a university in Jiangsu, who submitted a paper to a Chinese journal, in which he copied a major parts of an article in another Chinese journal. One of my colleagues was a reviewer. We were in the same lab. When I saw the manuscript, I immediately realized that it plagiarized a recent journal article in China.I pointed this fact to my colleague and gave him a copy of the original article.The manuscript was not accepted.

The 4th one is by one of my colleagues, who (a full professor) translated a part of lecture note word-by-word and published it as his research paper in a Chinese article.

Note:1) all these happened in China; 2) in all these cases, the plagiatrists didn't cite the original work; 3) I didn't reveal the 3 cases.

he he...



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