Mr. Jiang dibs on Riemann Hypothesis


送交者: aliastwo 于 2007-01-08, 09:23:47:

回答: 蒋春暄的论文排名 由 电子 于 2007-01-08, 06:55:54:


Mathematical Community Greets Earth-Shattering Claims With Silence

In response to one of the very earliest Dibs! posts — a review of Dan Rockmore’s Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis (— Dibs! has recently received an astonishing email from Jiang Chun-Xuan, a mathematician in China who claims to have disproved the legendarily difficult problem. Jiang included in his email a detailed mathematical paper (which you can view online in pdf form here) which purports to conclusively demonstrate that Riemann’s hypothesis is in fact false. Why did Jiang bother to notify a lowly literary blog of his epochal discovery? Therein lies a tale — and here the story starts to get even more mystifying. (If you’re wondering what the Reimann Hypothesis even is, click on the review of the Rockmore book above for an explanation.)

For if the Reimann Hypothesis is in fact proven to be false, the entire field of mathematics would be shaken to its core. So one would imagine that such a discovery would be greeted with great fanfare (or great alarm, depending on which side you’re rooting for). Yet instead, Jiang’s paper met with an echoing silence from the mainstream mathematical community. As a result, he took it upon himself to send out his proof to anyone anywhere who might conceivably be interested — including, oddly, Dibs!.

To the untrained eye, Jiang’s proof seems mighty impressive, filled with incomprehensible equations and confident proclamations. Why then has it been roundly ignored by the gatekeepers of mathematical knowledge? Since the average person does not have the background to judge the quality of Jiang's work, we must rely on the experts to tell us if he really has succeeded in smashing one of the pillars of modern mathematics. And what do the experts have to say? Zilch. They don't even answer the doorbell.

One possible explanation for this is that Jiang is so wrong that his “disproof” doesn’t even need debunking. The only clue to this possibility is a discussion at Wikipedia ([/url)%20about%20the%20reimann%20hypothesis%20in%20which%20a%20commenter%20named%20winfried%20aschauer%20vigorously%20dismisses%20jiang’s%20paper%20as%20“very%20strange”%20and%20“rubbish,”%20and%20that%20any%20minutes%20spent%20reading%20the%20paper%20was%20“wasted%20time.”but%20aside%20from%20this%20one%20naysayer%20of%20unknown%20authority,%20one%20cannot%20find%20any%20mathematician%20or%20publication%20online%20willing%20to%20discuss%20the%20merits%20of%20jiang's%20claim.%20in%20frustration,%20he%20has%20allowed%20the%20fringe-y%20“institute%20for%20basic%20research”%20—%20an%20outside-the-mainstream%20science%20organization%20in%20florida%20—%20to%20publish%20his%20paper,,%20as%20jiang%20is%20only%20one%20of%20many%20chinese%20scientists%20over%20the%20last%20few%20decades%20who%20feel%20their%20work%20has%20been%20shunned%20by%20the%20west;%20though%20there%20has%20been%20some%20acknowledgement%20of%20chinese%20discoveries%20in%20the%20last%20few%20years,%20many%20chinese%20scientists%20must%20feel%20as%20if%20they%20are%20operating%20in%20a%20parallel%20universe.%20could%20jiang%20be%20ignored%20by%20the%20western%20mathematical%20establishment%20simply%20because%20he%20is%20chinese?the%20story%20ends%20here,%20in%20limbo.%20we%20—%20the%20unwashed%20masses%20—%20don’t%20know%20if%20the%20reimann%20hypothesis%20has%20been%20disproven,%20or%20instead%20if%20an%20eccentric%20professor%20in%20china%20is%20suffering%20from%20delusions%20of%20grandeur.%20and%20if%20this%20accursed%20silence%20continues%20much%20longer,%20we%20may%20never%20know.[url]



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