The most famous story might be the Red Baron


送交者: cornbug 于 2007-01-01, 04:52:56:

回答: 真正的军人都尊重敌方战死的英雄,包括美国军队,不知道这个常识的才是二百五 由 戏秦高僧 于 2006-12-31, 22:12:18:

Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen (May 2, 1892 – April 21, 1918) was a German pilot who is regarded today as the "ace of aces", [1][2]although statistical study is showing that chance contributed to his fame more than skills.[1] He was an air squadron leader and flying ace and the most successful fighter pilot of World War I, credited with 80 confirmed air combat victories.

Richthofen is also known as "le Baron Rouge", "le Diable Rouge" ("Red Devil") or "Le Petit Rouge" ("Little Red") in French, and the "Red Knight" or the "Red Baron" in the English-speaking world. The German translation of Red Baron is "der Rote Baron", and Richthofen is known by this moniker in Germany as well (although he was rarely referred to as "Baron" in Germany during his lifetime, because Freiherr is the correct title for his level of nobility). Richthofen's autobiography is titled Der Rote Kampfflieger ("The Red Battle Flier").

He was buried and honored by his enemy:

3 Squadron officers were pallbearers and Australian soldiers acted as a guard of honor during the Red Baron's funeral on 22 April 1918.



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