骨胶原, hyaluronic acid? (contains a link to a photography of an YN)


送交者: Wood 于 2006-12-21, 15:09:12:

回答: 真的,假的?“哈佛医学院试验证实骨胶原对关节炎效果明显” 由 LA_bear 于 2006-12-21, 13:57:36:

Seems human only have one enzyme, UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (a very interesting enzyme, interesting structure + interesting mechanism, two two-electron-transfer steps) making UDP-glucuronic acid (important precursor for glucuronic acid, and for hyaluronic acid) from UDP-glucose.

Someone (Melanie Simpson, an YN in Nebraska, her photo is here, but please don’t be scared http://biochem.unl.edu/Faculty/simpson/homepage.htm ) was thinking (I guess this is why she was investigating this enzyme) some connections between this enzyme and prostate cancer.

She, as far I as understand, published a paper: given a wrong diagram (surprised I when I saw it) + said something not quite right about the catalytic pathway, which would lead her research on the biochemistry of this enzyme to almost nowhere. Don’t know how she is getting on now.



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