ZZ from anonymous (www.popyard.org)


送交者: feelslikespring 于 2006-12-20, 10:24:25:

回答: 老肖现在美国做反射弧手术,确实有行医执照 由 blackbox 于 2006-12-19, 19:52:39:

What licenses are available?

* Doctor of Medicine - This is a full license for a person qualified to engage in the practice of medicine.

* Clinical Academic Limited Physician - This is a license granted to a qualified individual to practice only in an academic institution and under the supervision of one or more fully licensed physicians.

* Educational Limited Physician - This is a license granted to a qualified individual to practice as a postgraduate student and requires the individual to confine their practice and training to a hospital or institution approved by the board for the training. The hospital or institution is responsible for the training



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