报道基本正确. 美国NIH资助的在非洲进行的两项大型临床试验提早结束,


送交者: blackbox 于 2006-12-14, 11:01:09:

回答: 美国卫生部:男性行割礼可降低艾滋病60%传染率 由 HunHunSheng 于 2006-12-14, 08:10:14:

(原定明年中完成),数据分析显示'男性包皮环切术可以降低艾滋病的传播风险', 分别降低了48%与53%的HIV感染率. 结果将影响公共卫生政策的制定. 然而,对美国的影响不会很大.因为如下:

"The findings from the African studies may have less impact on the epidemic in the United States for several reasons. In the United States, most men have been circumcised. Also, there is a lower prevalence of HIV. Moreover, most infections among men in the United States are in men who have sex with men, for whom the amount of benefit provided by circumcision is unknown. Nonetheless, the overall findings of the African studies are likely to be broadly relevant regardless of geographic location: a man at sexual risk who is uncircumcised is more likely than a man who is circumcised to become infected with HIV. Still, circumcision is only part of a broader HIV prevention strategy that includes limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms during intercourse."

source: http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/news/newsreleases/2006/AMC12_06.htm



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