What Xiao Chuan-guo's curriculum vitae says


送交者: Yush 于 2006-12-01, 12:03:01:

回答: Science关于“三案”的报道 由 方舟子 于 2006-12-01, 00:07:20:

Xiao Chuan-guo's resume can be found at http://www.xlogit.com/xysupload/15CGXiao_CV.doc, which was originally posted at ION's website (http://www.ion.ac.cn/seminar/cv4seminars/041210_CGXiao_CV.doc) when Xiao gave a seminar talk at ION. In the resume, Xiao claimed that he's been an Associate Professor of NYU since 2001, boasted that he won the America Urological Association Achievement Award in 2002 and American Urology Association Lapides Grand Prize Award in 2003, and mixed journal articles and conference abstracts all together. The facts are:

1. Xiao had been an Assistant Professor as indicated at NYU's website until Sept. 2005, and is a Clinical Associate Professor after then (see http://web.archive.org/web/20040502002336/http://www.med.nyu.edu/urology/faculty/index.html and http://www.med.nyu.edu/urology/faculty/index.html).

2. Xiao is not the winner of the AUA Achievement Award (see http://www.auanet.org/about/awards/achievement.cfm), he is neither listed as a recipient of any AUA award at AUA's website.

3. The so called "American Urology Association Lapides Grand Prize Award" is actually the Grand Prize of "The International Jack Lapides Essay Contest on Urodynamic and Neurourology"

4. Up to Sept. 2005, Xiao has published only 4 articles in international journals among 26 publications he listed in his resume. There are only 9 references to the 4 articles, and some of them even doubt Xiao's theory and procedure, while Xiao has never responded.

The properties of the resume, a Microsoft Word document, are as follows:
Last Saved By SSWANG
Company Long Island College Hospital
Date Created 06/12/2004 1:20 AM
Date Last Saved 06/12/2004 1:20 AM
Last Printed 28/12/2002 12:34 AM

The resume was removed from the website after Xiao sued Dr. Fang Shi-min for libel in China. After then, the list of 2004 ION Seminars Series (http://www.ion.ac.cn/seminar/seminars_2004.htm) was also modified to remove the announcement of Xiao's seminar, and was removed completely from the website at last. The list can now still be found at the Wayback Machine (http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ion.ac.cn/seminar/seminars_2004.htm), where there're several historic versions. In the latest one (http://web.archive.org/web/20051225131446/http://www.ion.ac.cn/seminar/seminars_2004.htm), Xiao's seminar was not listed, while in the earlier one (http://web.archive.org/web/20050829082709/http://www.ion.ac.cn/seminar/seminars_2004.htm), it states:

Dec 10, 2004(Friday)
Chuan-guo Xiao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Urology, New York University School of Medicine, USA. Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology, Director, Institute of Urology, Tongji Medical University, P.R.China. Host PI: Dr. Tian-le Xu
Foreign nerve regeneration for an artificial somatic-autonomic relfex arc to restore bladder and bowel function after SCI.

Ironically, Dr. Yi Rao, who was reportedly sued, along with Dr. Fang, by Xiao for libel in the United States, appears in the list 12 days prior to Xiao:

Nov 29, 2004 (Monday)
Dr. Yi Rao
Professor, Department of Neurology, Associate Director, Institute of Neuroscience, Northwestern University, USA
Neuronal Polarity in Morphogenesis & Migration.



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