pls do some research first


送交者: 匆匆过客 于 2006-11-24, 20:20:54:

回答: “立此存照”有几百篇揭发批判肖传国的文章,肖不去告那些暴了很多事实猛料 由 JFF 于 2006-11-24, 17:23:12:

Some possible ones are the authors are not in the US or the statute of limitation on libel expired:

What's the statute of limitation on libel?

Most states have a statute of limitations on libel claims, after which point the plaintiff cannot sue over the statement. For example, in California, the one-year statute of limitations starts when the statement is first published to the public. In certain circumstances, such as when the defendant cannot be identified, a plaintiff can have more time to file a claim. Most courts have rejected claims that publishing online amounts to "continuous" publication, and start the statute of limitations ticking when the claimed defamation was first published.



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