I was called in for Jury Duty today but All of us were dismissed


送交者: cornbug 于 2006-11-22, 14:04:37:

at midday. Perhaps it is due to thanksgiving day tomorrow or perhaps due to my jury selection number that was so far back that all jurors may have selected already. Anyway, I feel real good. I won't be called again in 6 years.

Sitting there in the jury assembly hall I have nothing to do except listening to a speech from an old Judge about the history of the jury system. He did not made it clear but i enjoyed his introduction of the US history of fighting British.

Bored for a while, I picked the August issue of National Geographic of this year. It happens there is article about ants written by the greatest King of all ants in this world – Edward O Wilson. I have had a great respect to Dr. Wilson who not only knows every detail about ant but also he has an ant-analog view on human society as well.

However, when I was reading the article entitled <The Civilized Inserct>, I laughed at his knowledge about the oriental culture. Here is what he said right on the beginning.

Quote: In Japanese the word 'ant'is intricately written by linking two characters: one meaning "insect," the other meaning "loyalty".

So, 虫 is insect, and 义 is loyalty. He is right about this.

However,I think 蚁 is Chinese in origin rather than Japanese. Am I right? If not, Dr Wilson was. But I don't thinks so.



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