There is a subtle difference between criticizing someone


送交者: skipper3 于 2006-11-16, 13:42:37:

回答: 嗯,如果是10年前,我可能还需要去找美国同事教我英语和讲讲西方文明:-) 由 方舟子 于 2006-11-16, 13:10:18:

and criticizing someone's work. And there is also a difference between making comment and criticizing. I say it is likely true that in "西方文明" people tend not to criticize others as often.

Criticizing someone must involve passing moral JUDGMENT. For someone to pass moral judgment he must first take moral position. Taking such a position can be easy or difficult depending on whether the criticizer has "advantage" he may or may not have earned by himself. My interpretation of the statement in question is just "you don't judge others without having a good understanding of how you arrived at your current moral position".

Conclusion: the problem is not about how to translate "advantage", but how to translate "criticize". Within the context PingPan should be better than PiPing.



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