I think you would rather hear the truth instead of flatter


送交者: 008 于 2006-11-13, 01:52:20:

回答: 请版主老方把我的贴都全部删除 由 林树坤 于 2006-11-12, 13:04:14:

I am not sure who in this world are qualified to write under such a big title, I am pretty sure that those who are qualified would not write about this title.

Being frank from you first post I noticed that you are suggesting some incorrect concepts about physics, chemistry and even "research" itself. I am sorry to make you so embarrased, not personal, it was just the common tune of this place. But since everyone, including me of course, makes silly mistakes and gets called ruo4zhi4 from time to time, you don't have to feel too bad. Just hang arround and I am looking forward to hearing from you about the open problems you mentioned. Change the title would be a good idea.



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