参加临床试验,一小时拿二十美刀, 昏昏干不干?


送交者: blackbox 于 2006-11-06, 14:07:10:

回答: 昏昏住哪儿,许多医学院附属医院经常招聘自愿者做临床试验, 由 blackbox 于 2006-11-06, 13:32:38:

Adults between the ages of 18 and 64 are invited to participate in a research study of a new system designed to measure brain activity

Adults between the ages of 18 and 64 are invited to participate in a research study of a new system designed to measure brain activity. The study consists of a series of measurements taken during one or more of a variety of tasks - including finger-tapping exercises and responding to stimuli such as simple pictures or recordings of words or tones.

Participants must have no history of neurological trauma or neurological or psychiatric disorders. The study will take place at King Hospital and includes a $20 per hour honorarium as well as a sticker for the parking garage.



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