范维澄院士等人的Fire Safety Journal论文可能一稿两投


送交者: reader99 于 2006-11-02, 14:31:03:

Chen Xiaojun, Yang Lizhong, Deng Zhihua, Fan Weicheng, "A multi-layer zone model for predicting fire behavior in a fire room" Fire Safety Journal, 40: 267-281, 2005.


Fire Safety Journal 文章的Acknowledgements

This paper is supported by the China NKBRSF Project no. 2001CB409603 and
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 50323005). The authors deeply appreciate the supports. The authors also wish to thank Dr. Keichi Suzuki from the Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation.

项目编号2001CB409603似乎是973计划。 根据《国家重点基础研究发展计划管理办法》, 973计划的英文标注应为" National Basic Research Program of China"或" 973 Program"。 经过查询发现




项目依托部门:中国科学院 教育部

项目首席科学家:范维澄 中国科技大学

编号 名称 负责人 主要承担单位

2001CB409603 建筑物内火蔓延规律 范维澄 中国科学技术大学

另外,登陆国家自然科学基金( https://isis.nsfc.gov.cn ),可以查询到这样的信息:

批准号 项目负责人 申请单位 项目名称 项目状态

50323005 廖光煊 中国科学技术大学 城市地铁火灾防治中的热物理问题 在研


陈晓军讲师、邓志华讲师并不是这个 NSFC项目组的成员,

杨立中 教授、范维澄教授正是这个项目组的成员。

另外作者们感谢了Keichi Suzuki,但没有说明为什么感谢。根据严格的学术规范,在文章中致谢他人,应该经过他人的同意。作者们这样的致谢方式,是否经过Dr. Keichi Suzuki同意?

文章的第五个参考文献是"Keichi S, Kazunori H, Takeyoshi T. A multi-layer zone model for predicting fire behavior in a single room, fire safety science. Proceedings of the seventh international symposium, 2002. " 和主编Drysdale所指的"presented by Suzuki et al. at the Seventh IAFSS Symposium in Worcester, MA and subsequently published by the IAFSS in the Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, pp. 851–62 (2003)." 似乎很接近,但漏调了symposium的具体名称和其他通常会标明的会议具体时间和地址等信息。严格来说,这样的文献方式在写作上是很不严谨。

在google中以" A multi-layer zone model for predicting fire behavior in a fire room" 查询,可以发现陈晓军等人的论文题目和 K. Suzuki等人的题目(http://www.iafss.org/images/2002toc.pdf )一字不差。

虽然Chen Xiaojun是Fire Safety Journal, 40: 267-281, 2005 的通讯作者,但是范教授不可能不知道这篇文章已经发表,因为从这里



范维澄 , 刘乃安 , 中国火灾科学基础研究进展与展望 , 中国科学技术大学学报 , 2006 Vol.36 No.1 P.1-8

第 [46]个文献,引用的正是 Fire Safety Journal,2005,40 (3):267-281.

Editorial announcement 刊登日期是2006 年2 月。而范维澄和刘乃安学报上论文的收稿日期是2005 年12 月28 日,修稿日期是 2006年 1月 4日 ,出版日期是2006 年1 月31 日。目前刚刚是 11月初,但 Fire Safety Journal( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03797112 )已经把11 月份的论文都刊登出来了。

还有一个比较"有趣"的事情。陈晓军讲师、杨立中教授、范维澄教授等人主页上( http://fire.ustc.edu.cn:8180/front/rank_list.jsp )并没有把Fire Safety Journal, 40: 267-281, 2005 这篇论文列上。然而在杨立中教授主页上(http://fire.ustc.edu.cn:8180/front/rank_nr.jsp?rank_id=15 )所列的代表性论文

(3) Chen Xiaojun, Yang Lizhong, Deng Zhihua and Fan Weicheng. A multi-layer zone model for predicting temperature distribution in a fire room. Progress in Natural Science, 2004,14(6): 536~540(973)(SCI:831MH; EI: 04348325385)

Progress in Natural Science, 2004,14(6): 536~540 这篇文章的网址:



Title: A multi-layer zone model for predicting temperature distribution in a fire room

Author(s): Chen XJ, Yang LZ, Deng ZH, Fan WC

Source: PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 14 (6): 536-540 JUN 2004

Document Type: Article

Language: English

Cited References: 13 Times Cited: 0

Abstract: A multi-layer zone fire growth model is developed to predict the vertical distributions of the temperature in a single room. The fire room volume is divided into a number of horizontal layers, in which the temperature and other physical properties are assumed to be uniform. The principal equations for each laminated horizontal layer are derived from the conservation equations of mass and energy. The implemented fire sub-models are introduced, including the combustion, fluid flow and heat transfer models. Combined with these sub-models, the zone equations for the gas temperature of each layer are solved by Runge-Kutta method for each time step. The results of the sample calculations compare well with the results of experiments conducted by Steckler et at.

Author Keywords: compartment fire; multi-layer zone model; fire prediction; temperature field

Addresses: Chen XJ (reprint author), Univ Sci & Technol China, State Key Lab Fire Sci, Hefei, 230026 Peoples R China

Univ Sci & Technol China, State Key Lab Fire Sci, Hefei, 230026 Peoples R China

Title: A multi-layer zone model for predicting fire behavior in a fire room

Author(s): Chen XJ, Yang LZ, Deng ZH, Fan WC

Source: FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL 40 (3): 267-281 APR 2005

Document Type: Article

Language: English

Cited References: 15 Times Cited: 0

Abstract: A multi-layer zone fire growth model is developed to predict the fire behavior in a single room. The fire room volume is divided into an arbitrary number of horizontal layers, in which the temperature and other physical properties are assumed to be uniform. The principal equations for each laminated horizontal layer are derived from the conservation equations of mass and energy. The implemented fire sub-models are introduced, including combustion, fluid flow and heat transfer models. Combined with these sub-models, the zone equations can be integrated with Runge-Kutta method for the gas temperature and species fractions of each layer for each time step. The results of the sample calculations are compared with the experiments conducted by Steckler and the University of Canterbury. In general, a good agreement between experimental and theoretical results is obtained. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Author Keywords: multi-layer zone model; fire models; compartment fires; experiment

Addresses: Chen XJ (reprint author), Univ Sci & Technol China, State Key Lab Fire Sci, Hefei, Anhui 230026 Peoples R China

Univ Sci & Technol China, State Key Lab Fire Sci, Hefei, Anhui 230026 Peoples R China



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