You better read the companion article in the same journal


送交者: yuffie 于 2006-10-30, 05:08:18:

回答: 我倒要质疑一下方舟子阅读论文的能力了! 由 齐格 于 2006-10-30, 02:53:29:

However, these are only 3 individual cases of very different types of cancer, and in each case there is a possible alternative explanation for the positive outcome. One patient had remission of renal cell carcinoma after vitamin C therapy; however, spontaneous remission has been reported.4This possibility is correctly raised by Padayatty and colleagues. Another patient, before embarking on vitamin C therapy, underwent a transurethral resection of a stage T2 transitional cell bladder carcinoma; this treatment alone can result in long-term remission.5 In the third case described, a patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma refused chemotherapy but received radiation therapy. Radiation was once the standard of care for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and can lead to long-term remission, at least in earlier-stage cases.6Furthermore, all 3 patients received other forms of complementary and alternative medicine that practitioners of alternative medicine may argue are effective in treating these cancers. Finally, these case reports omit the number of patients who received high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy with no effect. Because these cases were collected over many years from several institutions, this number may be quite large and the overall response rate quite low. Despite the possible alternative explanations for the favourable outcomes of the 3 patients, Padayatty and associates and CMAJ should be commended for publishing detailed case reports so that critical appraisal is possible.

Individual case report means very little, that is exactly what 'triditional" or "alternative" medicine is doing most of the times. Better wait for the trial result for this HIGH DOSE treatment, and meanwhile be skeptical based on the known results.



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