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送交者: blackbox 于 2006-10-16, 09:51:32:

回答: 老方知道美国的 AMY YASKO 博士吗? 由 test 于 2006-10-16, 06:31:46:


Amy Yasko, ND, PhD
Amy Yasko, ND, PhD, received her doctorate from Colgate
University in Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious
Disease and studied Naturopathy at Clayton College of Natural Health.

Nutrigenomics, Methylation and RNA-Based Nutrients

Dr Yasko discussed the laboratory studies that allow for testing for genetic susceptibility to disease and she extensively discussed the science of nutrigenomics. ‘Nutrigenomics’ is defined as the integration of concepts in molecular biology and genomics in order to study the ability of foods and nutritional supplements to interact with genes and to influence
our health and lower the genetic risk component for multifactorial disease. Dr Yasko described the methionine/folate pathway as a central pathway that is especially amenable to nutrigenomic screening. Defects in methylation can make one more susceptible to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thyroid
dysfunction, neurological inflammation, neurotransmitter
imbalances, atherosclerosis, cancer and autism. Dr Yasko
also described how defects in methylation can make one more susceptible to the toxic effects of heavy metals, especially arsenic and mercury. Dr Yasko described how heavy metals can decrease the brain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, if there are defects with BH4 and BH2 genes. By identifying the precise areas of genetic fragility, it is possible to target appropriate nutritional supplements.

Dr Yasko discussed the potential uses of specific RNA-based supplementation.





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