还是人家Dorothy Hodgkin厉害:started chemistry and crystals at the age of 10


送交者: Wood 于 2006-10-04, 11:37:32:

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964

She became interested in chemistry and in crystals at about the age of 10, and this interest was encouraged by Dr. A.F. Joseph, a friend of her parents in the Sudan, who gave her chemicals and helped her during her stay there to analyse ilmenite.

Most of her childhood she spent with her sisters at Geldeston in Norfolk, from where she went by day to the Sir John Leman School, Beccles, from 1921-28. One other girl, Norah Pusey, and Dorothy Crowfoot were allowed to join the boys doing chemistry at school, with Miss Deeley as their teacher; by the end of her school career, she had decided to study chemistry and possibly biochemistry at university.




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