《纽约客》显然不买 Howard Cooper 的帐


送交者: Rumba 于 2006-09-19, 21:36:02:

Statement by The New Yorker
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The New Yorker issued the following statement in response to Howard Cooper’s letter:

’Manifold Destiny,’ a 10,000-word article by Sylvia Nasar and David Gruber published in the August 28, 2006 issue of The New Yorker, is the product of more than four months of thorough, careful reporting and meticulous fact-checking. Ms. Nasar and Mr. Gruber spent over twenty hours interviewing Dr. Yau; they conducted approximately 100 other interviews with people in the field; corresponded by email with Dr. Yau and many others; and traveled to China where they conducted interviews and attended speeches and events discussed in the article.In addition, the magazine’s fact-checkers spoke with Dr. Yau for approximately eight hours, they examined notes, tapes, and documents gathered by the authors, and the checkers conducted their own thorough research.Contrary to Dr. Yau’s assertions, the article is nuanced and fair, and was prepared using ethical standards of journalism.Dr. Yau, his supporters and his point of view were given ample space in the article.

We stand by the piece and the journalists.




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