

送交者: 匆匆过客 于 2006-2-08, 18:18:29:

回答: 我觉得断背山丑化了同性恋 由 xj 于 2006-2-08, 17:19:53:

You paid too much attention on how they do sex. Have you paid attention to the scenes in the file like 1) in the mountains, Ennis tells Jack that when he was a kid, his father took him and his siblings to see a dipfigured man body in the valleys. The guy was gay. Gay guys get killed by people in the 60's just for being gay.
2) the sign, "trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again" on the door of the trailer at the opening scene
3) the interactions between Ennis and Alma jr.
4) after Ennis' divorce, Jack invites Ennis to go to Taxes and join him there but Ennis denies the offer partly because he feels he is responsible for taking care of his daughters.
4) some guys beat Jack and Jack dies.

And all the symbols used in the film? i.e., the sheep etc. http://davecullen.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=ca36f49099048cea1e3d9d27cfe82047&board=34.0 is good site to visit. It talks about the film scene by scene and many others. Interesting to how people can find clues and solve puzzles.

Also Ennis is a lot more complicated than you think.



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