nini, 看看俺给你改的汉译英


送交者: xj 于 2006-08-30, 16:15:40:





韩国为什么"恢复" 汉字?
Why did South Korea “resuscitate” Chinese Characters?
网络原载: 中国侨网 正体版
Web Source: Overseas Chinese Network Traditional Chinese

  南韩、北韩人使用中国汉字有1000多年的历史,绝对是中华文化的后裔,可是为什么后来废除了中国汉字呢?首先因为朝鲜的语言属于阿尔泰语系,与中国的汉 藏语系不太一样,但是古代朝鲜文化落后,一直没有发明自己的文字,所以只能沿用中国汉字。但是汉字还是无法充分的表现韩语的发音和朝鲜人民的思想感情,普 通朝鲜平民根本不识汉字,只有朝鲜贵族、官员会使用汉字,称为"吏读文字",而普通朝鲜平民只能以口头方式进行文化交流,他们的生活知识和年积月累的农业 耕种经验和农耕方法也都无法长久的流传下去。

Both south and north Koreans, having used Chinese characters for over 1000 years, are the definite carriers of Chinese culture, but why did they later abandon Chinese characters? The apparent reason seems that the Korean native language actually belongs to the Altaic family, rather different from the Han-Tibetan family to which Chinese language belongs. Being relatively underdeveloped, the ancient Koreans could not invent their own writing system but have to adopt Chinese characters. However, Chinese characters are inadequate to fully express the pronunciation of Korean language, let alone Korean people’s thoughts and feelings. Chinese characters were used exclusively by Korean nobles and officials and was called "the language for officials." Common Koreans did not have opportunity to learn Chinese characters and could only communicate with each other orally. Thus, their life experience and agriculture knowledge and techniques accumulated over years could not be recorded, preserved and passed on.

 到了1446年的朝鲜世宗大王时期,就是中国的明朝时期,作为中国附庸国的朝鲜在政治、经济、文化、科技、军事上都得到一定的发展,因而朝鲜人民对拥有自己民族文字的愿望比较强烈了,世宗非常同情国民的处境,作为一个想要发展民族文化,推进国家独立的朝鲜君王,世宗开始苦思冥想,梦想创造出一种独特而易学易懂的朝鲜本土文字,让普 通的朝 鲜庶民也可以轻松驾驭朝鲜的语言。

In 1446, the Korean “Sejong the Great” dynasty (Ming dynasty of China), Korea as a subordinate kingdom of China had achieved considerable developments in politics, economics, culture, science, as well as in military power. The wish to have their own written language, a vision fully shared by Sejong, became stronger than before among Korean people. As a king resolved to cultivate national culture and to gain a full national independence, Sejong started to think intensely. He dreamed of creating a unique and straightforward written language based on native Korean culture so that the common Korean people could command the language with ease.  

 世宗在发明朝鲜文字时,受到音乐和北方游牧民族拼音文字的启发,了解到简单的音乐符号(1234567)就能够记录世界上所有的音乐,那么,相对简单的拼音 字符也应该可以记录全部的朝鲜语音,从而拼写出朝鲜的文字。所以世宗组织起当时包括他本人在内的许多朝鲜"集贤殿"的优秀学者,还特意派遣一位朝鲜知名学 者,前后十几次到中国来学习、研究汉字精髓,历时达三十年之久,才最终在1446年发明创造了朝鲜文字,于是朝鲜在使用了近千年的中国汉字以后,终于有了 自己的民族文字。

While inventing Korean alphabet and characters, Sejong was enlightened by music and the phonetic language of the northern nomadic people. After he learnt that the simple music notes 1234567 were adequate to record all music in the world, he realized that simple spelling symbols were also sufficient to express the entire Korean spoken language and to form a complete Korean written language. Therefore, Sejong gathered many outstanding scholars from “the Council of Learned, ” including himself, and sent a prominent Korean scholar to China for more than ten times, to study the essence of Chinese characters. After thirty years, they finally established the Korean alphabet and characters in 1446. For the first time, Korea had its own native writing system, ending a history of using the Chinese characters for more than 1000 years.



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