true or not?


送交者: cornbug 于 2006-08-24, 13:53:25:

This is a true case, if you don't believe try the following test:

Soak a pair of disposable chopsticks (usually given to you when you buy pack food from a Chinese take-away) for between 3 to 5 minutes inside hot boiling water. Within minutes and right in front of your eyes, you will noticed that some white coloring matter seems to be dissolved into the hot water from the chopsticks. What is released from the chopsticks is actually
a chemical, a bleaching agent.

In a campaign promoting healthy care in Singapore recently, Professor Jackson Mathis reminds people not to use disposable chopsticks, as almost the majority of them are made in or imported from China. He explained that during the manufacturing process of disposable chop-sticks before the actual production itself, all raw materials are already cover-grown with germs that make the wood materials look like they are coated in multiple colors or are covered with poisonous fungus. ...

THere is a comment on this:
If you listen and practise every little thing these academicians says and tell you, then you will not eat at all. You will then have a very premature death from hunger and become what a Hokkian call a "Eow Kui", and then you got to wait for that 7th month of the Luna calendar to get out for the normal folks to feed you. Academicians are just academicians, they got to say something every now and then to demonstrate to the rest of the folks that they are very bright people to earn their Title as Professors.

They had said that coconut oil was bad, now they say it is good. Everything you eat has a good chance of poisoning you little by little. If you don't eat, you will not die of poisoning. That even I can tell you.



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