Perelman固然天才,但New Yorker拿Yau来反衬也有失偏颇


送交者: gentoo 于 2006-08-24, 13:04:43:

不知道为什么,New Yorker那篇文章给我的感觉是采信了田刚和Morgan的一面之词。

感觉这件事就是田刚告诉New Yorker的。
"Once a week, he and a young Chinese mathematician named Gang Tian drove to Princeton, to attend a seminar at the Institute for Advanced Study."

"Gang Tian was in his office at M.I.T. when he received Perelman’s e-mail. ..."

通篇有很多引用Morgan的原话,不知是New Yorker专门采访了Morgan还是经第三方转述。


New Yorker这篇文章为Perelman立传没错。但也实在没必要拉出Yau和Hamilton做陪衬。

To Perelman’s disappointment, Hamilton did not attend that lecture or the next ones, at Stony Brook. “I’m a disciple of Hamilton’s, though I haven’t received his authorization,” Perelman told us. But John Morgan, at Columbia, where Hamilton now taught, was in the audience at Stony Brook, and after a lecture he invited Perelman to speak at Columbia. Perelman, hoping to see Hamilton, agreed. The lecture took place on a Saturday morning. Hamilton showed up late and asked no questions during either the long discussion session that followed the talk or the lunch after that. “I had the impression he had read only the first part of my paper,” Perelman said.



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