Sad situation, but


送交者: vince 于 2006-08-11, 07:39:42:

回答: 纽约时报:A Chinese Outcry: Doesn’t a Dog Have Rights? 由 最绿的青蛙 于 2006-08-10, 19:26:47:

In my opinion, there should be as much blame on these ignorant government official as on dog owners. They are also responsible for the high number of annual rabies in China, which is especially true in countryside. I remember few dogs were chained, let alone vaccinated, when I was young. Many times I have to run for my life while entering a neighbouring village. To make things worse, many owners would encouraging their dogs to chasing passby strangers!

It seems the relationship between dogs and human beings has not been much improved since Lu Xun's time.



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