It is easy to understand


送交者: del 于 2006-07-26, 09:26:26:

回答: 很奇怪,Kleiner-Lott也只是发表在网上的preprint啊 由 newphd 于 2006-07-26, 07:00:20:

Read the whole paragraph.
>Oddly, either the book or the Kleiner-Lott paper might >count as the
>"refereed" work the Clay Institute demands. If so, we >would have the
>weird situation in which authors of the work that >satisfies the prize
>requirement aren't the people who figured out the proof. >But their
>efforts could win Dr. Perelman $1 million.

The book and the Kleiner-Lott paper did not claim the
credit of the proof of the Poincare conjecture.
What they claimed is that Perelman's proof is true.

Zhu-Cao's paper is different. It claims to
give a "complete proof" of the Poincare conjecture.
If Zhu-Cao的文章满足条件, then $1 million goes to them.



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