转点别人的观点吧——rap and ap


送交者: PredatorD 于 2006-7-05, 14:51:16:


发信人: mdrosophila (ranger), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 4 17:26:23 2006)

You are absolutely correct. But there are so many ignorant people that believe that they are smarter than most of their peers and jump into conclusions based on comparing an apple to an orange. I just wonder why they can not assume that other people are at least as intelligent as them.
【 在 piggee (广东语文科代表兼著名YAO-FAN) 的大作中提到: 】
这也要争???有没有点常识啊。用这个BBS通俗的语言说:RAP is loser, AP is bull居然还有人拿环境咨询公司和工资出来说事。要钱谁读PHD啊?

发信人: xucy (侠影留香), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 4 00:08:01 2006)

两者工资差不少吧,这是个实质性问题,哥大医学院老板要留博士后就是升他做research assistant professor.

。。。。。。我officmate拿了PhD到一家环境咨询公司里一下子身家百倍,同事议论他的时候都用看超人的口气说"oh, he is doctor......"澳洲,新西兰的系统是一拿到教授职位都是终身制(工作可以,不犯错即可)。台湾号称有tenure制度,结果是投票评,从来没评不上的。


发信人: viven (rich), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 4 13:21:32 2006)

An assistant professor is called PROFESSOR. He/she is a boss, eligible to be chair of graduate supervisory committees. An assistant professor can hire somebody as an assistant research professor. "Assistant research professor (ARP)" is nothing but a postdoc. A boss usually requires an ARP to write grant proposals in addition to do research. As to salary, it differs from person to person,from $30K to $70K.

发信人: amedio (山重水复 疑 无路), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 4 12:41:32 2006)

The major difference between Research Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor is independence. Research Assistant Professor is not the lab head, while Assistant Professor is the lab head. Funding is not the difference since some research assistant professor and postdoc have their own grant, maybe the amount vary.

Not all assistant professors are tenure-tracked. Even some professors do not have tenure. their salaries are from grant or practice.This is very common in Medical School.

I think research assistant professor is more like postdoc than assistant professor.

发信人: Morphin (莫非-白衣“追鱼”郎), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 3 21:18:25 2006)

our lab has a research assist prof and a lecturer (they have a few nature genetics paper and many other publications), both have their own grants, but they work like postdocs and need to report progress to PI.

【 在 mdrosophila (ranger) 的大作中提到: 】
: In general, research assistant professors fall into two categories, a
: reseacher who is very competetive but not competitive enough to get a tenured
: tracked position or a postdoc in their later forties or fifties who has good

: publication records. A well funded PI who need good reseachers will try to
: retain those people with a title called research assistant professor, which
: comes with a high payment (relative to the acedemia, ~50,000 annually) and
: more lab responsibility, such as lab mangement and project supervision.
: reseach assitant professors generally have good publication tracking
: and strong supports from a big named PI, they often have their own grants.
: Some even have their own R01 grant from NIH with funding strength 1 millions
发信人: PT (Cruiser), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 4 00:57:01 2006)

Research Assistant Professor属于faculty rank. research scientist属于staff. 虽
然工作内容没什么区别, 但是在很多学校里待遇是有区别的. 比如有的学校对faculty和
Research Assistant Professor和Assistant Professor相比, 最主要的一个缺点就是缺
乏security, 当然对大牛来说是例外. 但在有funding的前提下, Research Assistant
Professor在工资上更灵活, 和research scientist一样, 工资经常比Assistant
Professor高, 甚至高很多.
【 在 biospiner (biospiner) 的大作中提到: 】
: what is the track for Research Assistant Professor? Research Assistant
: Professor -> Research Associate
: Professor -> Research Professor ->?
: If All are not eligible for tenure. then what advantages and disadvantages
: does a Research Assistant
: Professor have, compared with a research scientist in industry?

发信人: mptfsm (mptfsm), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 研究助理教授与博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 4 18:10:01 2006)

关键还要看什么课题。RAP可以从工业界拿钱,只做applied research
projects,只要有钱,有indirect costs可以贡献,就可以自保!


【 在 soupman (德州牛蛙) 的大作中提到: 】
: 研究助理教授通常未必是课题组的负责人,而助理教授肯定是独立的课题组的负责人。
: 俺觉得这个话反过来讲更对。
: 俺理解研究助理教授绝大多数情况下是某课题组的负责人,不然谁给你这个位子。
: 助理教授倒不一定是独立的课题组的负责人,尤其是那些最后tenure没拿到的。



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