You are like those religious people, when I question their religion


送交者: AQuestion 于 2006-2-02, 17:54:50:

回答: dislike anyone isn't a crime. Since when people are guilty for what 由 steven 于 2006-2-02, 14:25:25:

They just recite large paragraph from their bible.

My original point is: an individual's opinion can take
away other's freedom.

First, collective opinions of a state's people determines
that state's law. If most people are against gay people,
there won't be a law protecting them in the first place.

Second, even a state's policy is against something, an
individual can still do it. Even US law is against
discrimination in hiring process, you can still do it
without get punished.

Opinion and action are separated, opinion by itself can not do harm is simply a lie. If you are an employer and
you have an opinion that black people are usually lazy,
even if you don't encorage discrimination in hiring
process, you know what the outcome will be. Obviously
your opinion will do harm in this case.

Expressing of opinions is an action, and it can do harm.



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